The criminal acts of Joe Biden and his compliant "Justice" Department have turned America into a dictatorship complete with imprisoned political enemies. Bragg's scheme to turn misdemeanors that have passed their expiration date into Federal felony crimes will be blasted and undone by the Supreme Court. Every phony case brought up by the moron Merrick Garland needs to be reviewed and Garland should be hanged on the same scaffold as Tony Fauci.

If our current fascist government exists after January, 2025, the USA will soon join Great Britain, Turkey, Rome, and Greece as failed empires.

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Perhaps it's a necessary thing that empires fail and the core nation-state retrenches and find its strength again.

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History shows that kingdoms come and they go. I don't recall one that fell into anarchy and was able to recover. America's best chance for survival is a lasting peace with Russia.

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The cycles of history keep coming around again but the little details are what matter in any particular era. We'll see, right? Take yer vitamins so there's a chance to see it.

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Kert continues to bellow about leaving. So why doesn't he? Did he forget how to get back to his echo chamber? That would be typical of a person with his skewed views.

Or could it be that he "doth protest too much"? It's rather frightening to know he is out walking the streets. I wonder how many times he will vote for the senile man in November?

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Probably not more than 4 or 5. He strikes me as more talk than anything.

I have a friend, a well known writer, who has a terminal case of TDS.

She can’t explain why, just assumes everyone does

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Excellent summary. If only it wouldn't make me besmirch myself to vote for Trump. I'd do it if I could but I can't.

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Yeah, SCA, it's all about you.

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Such a naughty habit, right? Shamelesss.

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I agree with this analysis.

(Sad that some people come to others web pages and spam because they

do not agree. Is this something new? No actually it is not. It is just shitty behavior.

It is "okay" to disagree with someone but do not go to others web pages and continue the argument)

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Oh…I see who you are now. I knew Charles was this, now I see and know you too, Bill. We have nothing more to do with each other—I have wasted enough of my time and energy on any of the vile, conspiratorial BS you’re putting out there. I was right in that other thread—I’m in a space here where rational thinking based on objective facts and truth do not exist. I bow out respectfully and leave you to your own devices. You cannot be argued with—which is so sad.

Stepping into this mud was my bad!

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this was quite a tantrum

Why did you have to come here and throw a tantrum? Why

Why did you?

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He's not very zen-y, is he?

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I so agree with you—it is so so muddy here in this muck. I should never have come. But, I needed to know more who Bill was.

I brought it over from a different post and thread that Bill used to insult me. Completely out of context for other readers, but not to Bill. Sorry about that. And I’ll forgive you if you are calling my words, out of context, as a tantrum. You’d need the context to understand. Maybe.

But I’m LOLing right along with you.

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The first time I’ve heard libertarianism described as muck

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so funny that you came back to edit your comment.

You are a maroon.

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Not from his picture

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My question was: "Why did you have to come here and throw a tantrum?


Why did you?"

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Oh Rosemary. You literally have me laughing out loud. Seriously, I’m cracking up! You have so clearly showed who you are just now. You belong in this space created by Bill. I don’t and will be leaving. But I just had to reply to this latest comment because, really, I’m STILL laughing. 🤣

(But I do love that color. Just saying.)

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