I'm always astounded reading these posts of yours, because we'd need to be psychic or have a really good deck of tarot cards to perceive any loss of your cognitive abilities. And I hope you'll hang on as long as you can because there'll be a big hole in our hearts if you leave us.

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Well, Bill, I have not met you, but your post brings me to tears. And as my Dad used to say to me when I was a whining child “ Martha Ann, your tombstone will say “ THAT’S NOT FAIR!” Well, Bill, this truly is not fair. Your mind is far too valuable, far too logical and clearly so very brilliant. I wish you ein Gute Besserung and if that’s not possible, then as little pain and aggravation as possible. I’m not good with words at times like this, I’m thankful I’ve been able to benefit from your wisdom and Zen. Thank you.

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God bless you Bill. It encourages me to see that you were able to recollect that joke about Bilingual people and American. Your loss of the ability to speak so many languages somehow reminds me of how the Soros/Obama gang destroyed so many of our national monuments and are currently writing most of our heroes out of "history". I pray for you every day.

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Feb 20Liked by Bill Heath

God be with you, sir

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Thank you sincerely for sharing your struggles, and frustrating failings.

Do puzzles and games interest you?

Aging isn't for sissies. You are pretty strong to write this out and explain your failings at this point.

It is okay. I suppose you have come terms with each changing day. God blessyou and keep you well for a long time yet!. You have good friends

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Danke schön, Bill. For sharing your life with us and just for living it.

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Feb 20Liked by Bill Heath

Sorry to hear this Bill. Hopefully you’re at the start of another (long) rebound.

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Feb 21Liked by Bill Heath

Thank you for sharing this, your experience can only be helpful to others and shows a generous heart. For what it’s worth, your writing remains terrific.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 21Liked by Bill Heath

Thank you Chuck. It was orgasmic. Bill writes from his heart he is a great teacher but this is his place and this is his lawn We should come to listen and pay attention. My song Catalogue goes way back to Homo Erectus. Kinky Friedman

Kinky Friedman is still a living philosopher

Michelle Obama grew up in South Shore.

I grew up by Jewish General Hospital

I love Percy Sledge but when I took my Daisy to mama they said welcome home.

When my Daisy took me to meet her daddy he said I been waiting for you to come back.

He wheeled his wheel barrel through trees broad and carrying a cell my wife wouldn't let me lift. He had a Radar Range before there were microwaves. I helped her write her dissertation on a daisy wheel and the LaserJet One needed a fork lift. I was demented 75 years ago. Que sera sera.

My wife is a Star trek Admiral. Daniel Dennett wrote the book. It goes back to

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drosophila_melanogaster and the University of Chicago.

From bacteria to Bach and back

My demented wife can't fry egg or or operate a 2024 Alexa toaster or siri.

Her hard drive still has room for stardust memories We were married on Groundhog day and the electric recliner built for two is ordered.

Thank you, Thank, you, Thank you. Can someone teach old farts sitting around the eating Frijoles, Navy beans, Fava beans lentils and chickpeas what are Kindles and iphones?

I am learning to write and my iphone replaces about how many departments. I am learn to place a call. I know what terra byte is the Wang had 32 or 64 k and was 18 or 24 inch floppy. Nobody here knows what an inch either French or English.,

I am the world's Worst Poker Player and am a life master in the ABA and ACBL without any basic skills is too from zero to one. I knew base zero, one, three, five , seven, 11. I knew next was 13 when I was. SEVEN

I will be 76 in March can't sign my name or tie my shoes but Astrophysics is Duck Soup 1939 or 2024 take one from column A one from B and go Quack Quack.


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Feb 20·edited Feb 20Liked by Bill Heath

I am me not you and this is your gravy. You write magnificently and my wife I met at Stampede Party in Calgary Alberta. My wife was writing her doctorate and I was in asheltered workshop but I always had love and star dust memories. I celebrate every morning my wife is still with me.

We are well taken care of I told the children to fuck off my wife and don't need crocodile tears we have music to listen to andI may not write but we ain't going softly into that good night.

I failed Kindergarten Seventy years ago and my wife entered the House of the Rising sun in Chicago in Hyde Park.

I still listen to Chaucer Blues; house of the rising sun sung by Hildegarde von Blingen and listen to Elvis and Percy sing love me tender. We sit around the campfire and listen to Willie and johnny and fart and inhale well I inhale and my wife loves me tender and we are grateful we can still inhale. It took a fucking six weeks to sing happy birthday to a sister in Tallahassee because the shitbrains want labels so they can dismiss the reality of The Circle of Life.

Thanks for a good cry. We love you. Wow we celebrated a first social security cheque in Chicago and looking for a walker built for two so my wife and I can listen to Percy Sledge sing when a man lovea woman,

The never heard me they were too busy trying to fuck with everybody's brain

I had to Yell

Fuck off we seen seen you shit and we are tired of changing diapers.

The Crystal Chandeliers


Keep on trucking . I stopped driving we have great drivers. We can sit in the backseat and sing why must we be two teenagers in love.

I was very lucky. Live long and proper.

House of the rising sun 😂😂


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My mother-in-law's friend had the same thing. I'm sorry, though, as in most situations this serious, that seems to hardly cover it. Thank you so much for continuing to write and share.

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