Good luck with the extractions

Why not implants? They are expensive, yes indeed.

My father had an upper denture. Anyway, implants are expensive.

I wish you an easy transition.

Bill, you are great at writing with great interest and knowledge.

I am looking forward to it.

Yes, I should update my blog. I am lazy at blogging

Be well, I shall always keep you in my prayers

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Thank you. Implants won't work because with age my upper and lower jawbones have thinned too much to accept implants. It would entail at least two years of successive bone grafts before implants could be done.

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Well, horrible things first--wishing you the easiest possible endurance of that awful procedure. (Are you sure a little extra Vitamin C can't save your teeth?)

To the tour of IndustryLand--everything you write is interesting to me--even on subjects I'd never thought to read about for fun. Will be looking forward to each overview as it comes.

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It's actually one tooth and six stubs.

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You must have one scary smile.

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So, in your whole career you worked in only 14 different industries? How unmotivated can a man be? The country needs role models, Bill. Jeez . . .

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