You filled in my whole Bingo card.

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Aren't you glad I passed you all the answers in secret.

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I knew you would.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Bill Heath

What a concise and perfect summary of last night's playground fight between two dinosaurs no longer fit to run the country. Yes, the moderators were nearly perfect. They controlled the old men (especially Dana) and did a pretty good job of keeping them in their pens. While open-mouthed Brandon (did you catch the moment when Trump called FJB "Brandon"?) stared blankly ahead and looked brainless as he stood quietly at the end with his mouth gaping open like a dimwit before being helped to find the edge of the stage by his doctor (Jill), Trump came across as an angry bull. While I have been a Trump supporter since he rode down his golden elevator, even I noticed that he completely avoided the question about how to deal with the cost of day care. Obviously, Biden wants to raise taxes to accommodate day care providers and "poor" parents, it is clear that President Trump has no answer to that question and probably feels the best thing would be for women to stay home, raise children, and cook. I don't mean that as an insult; but, before WW II we had stable homes and cities. Mothers, by and large, kept the home in order.

The worst mistake Trump made IMHO was not pressing harder on the Afghanistan humiliation. If memory serves, all the military leaders disagreed with Biden (much like everyone disagreed with him about the killing of bin Laden); but it was more important for the old fool to get all the troops home by 9/11 so he could give a speech on that day. Trump did mention that nobody was fired for America's worst humiliation in history. I'm glad he kept returning to that talking point.

There were two highlights in the evening. I laughed out loud when Brandon mixed up Putin and Trump, saying that Putin had given Trump the go-ahead to invade Ukraine. The second highlight was hearing CNN panelists agreeing that Biden did a terrible job, that the Dimocrat Party was now in disarray, and that with Biden at the helm a 2nd time, voters will actually be choosing between Trump and Kamela.

I don't blame Trump for being angry and bitter. After all, he and all of his supporters have been attacked by the media and by corrupt courts.

As Trump repeatedly said, once voted into office again, he would end the fighting in Ukraine before January of next year. I think that, since Biden failed so miserably to present himself as a capable and intelligent man, Trump should refuse to debate him a second time. He should mention in his events that he did not want to make Joe look even stupider than he really is (if that if possible). It was an embarrassment to see Biden mumbling and lying for 90 minutes. The American public should not be exposed to that level of incompetence ever again.

I imagine the "fact checkers" are going wild, today.

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Dana Bash and Jake Tapper had been so biased, they had to tread carefully. But it was a setup. If you watched the CNN response afterwards, they put Joe Biden up on that stage so that they could all throw him under the bus as soon as Jill had escorted them off. I'll be surprised if by this time next week, they haven't found a replacement.

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They have lots of time before the convention

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I'm not sure if it's enough.

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That\s why they cancelled primaries so DNC could decide.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Bill Heath

I expect the Democratic convention to resemble the 1968 convention in Chicago. The antisemitic wing of the party hates those in the party who support Israel. People of color are aware that Biden is a lying blowhard and I suspect many will be voting by writing in other people's names.

Nikki Haley would easily beat Biden in an election. Everyone that is paying attention and is not a lobbyist or a politician realize we need younger people in charge.

Trump did a great job as president; but so did Thomas Jefferson, and he's no longer running. Trump should gracefully step away, anoint a new leader and VP and enjoy his retirement.

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Yup. It's been a setup from the beginning. Democracy is too important to leave in the hands of the voters.

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Jun 28Liked by Bill Heath

Best analysis I’ve seen

Hands down

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Trump struck the right tone 90% . Biden acted like a petulant child in his denials.

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"The idea!!!" Biden said that so many times. He sounded like the indignant lady in Marx Brothers' films...Margaret Dumont.

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So, I spent a bit of time in therapy after a 26 year failed marriage… I learned the language of narcissists … and “ the idea” is just an expression of their arrogant indignance.

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interesting insight and glad you are getting better. It wasn't you at all.

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Only in that I was too weak to not stand up. Biden is a bully and I can say that because 50 years ago this summer, stewardess Me had an inappropriate interaction with the shiny new asshole Senator.

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He is and I'm sorry that you had that happen.

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So, last night when Biden said “ and you had sex with a porn star while your wife was pregnant, you have the morals of an alley cat”…. I got a little hot… Trump behaved himself…. I screamed “ well, at least I didn’t shower with my teenage daughter!”

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I watched the Taibbi/Kirn live stream. They had 82K people.

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How did I miss this?? Damn!

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I was more tuned in yesterday than usual-- it might have been easy to overlook. They streamed on Twitter and it worked well. The chat was so funny.

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My Schadenfreude continues… I’m watching the opening of The View…..

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Matt & Walt are doing a Twitter post debate discussion now--20K watching.

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